
Youth Activism for a Sustainable River: Protection and Promotion of Biodiversity in the Treska River

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our latest science project, "Youth Activism for a Sustainable River: Protection and Promotion of Biodiversity in the Treska River"!
Project Goals:
The primary goal is to protect the water and biodiversity of the Treska River while empowering youth and citizens through citizen science.
Key Results:
Threats & Impacts Documented: Identifying and documenting threats from anthropogenic, ecological, and infrastructural sources.
Monitoring & Protection Program: Developing a program for river monitoring and protection, to be adopted by the local community and authorities.
Youth & NGO Training: Training 15 young people and 5 local NGO representatives in citizen science for river biodiversity preservation.
Thematic Quay Development: Creating an informative and educational space along the Treska River.
Field Techniques Training: Training 30 young people in field data collection, sample analysis, and environmental measurement.
Fish Stock Increase: Boosting the population of river trout (Salmo macedonicus) in the Treska River.
Public Awareness: Informing and engaging the local community about the importance of river ecosystem protection.
Why This Matters:
North Macedonia is facing an ecological crisis, with severe air pollution, poor waste management, declining water quality, deforestation, and threatened biodiversity. This project aims to make a significant impact on the preservation of our natural resources, especially focusing on the Treska River and the beautiful Matka Canyon.
By developing monitoring programs, training youth and NGOs, enhancing the river quay, increasing fish populations, and raising public awareness, we aim to improve the condition of the Treska River and promote sustainable development and nature protection.
Join us in this vital initiative to protect our natural treasures and ensure a sustainable future for the Treska River!

Quantitative Analysis of Heated Tobacco Usage Patterns and Impacts in North Macedonia.

We are thrilled to share that we have been collaborating with the World Bank on a groundbreaking project: "Quantitative Analysis of Heated Tobacco Usage Patterns and Impacts in North Macedonia." 
Our proposal aims to conduct a comprehensive quantitative analysis of heated tobacco usage patterns and their impacts within the context of North Macedonia. This project is not merely an observational study; it is a strategic endeavor aimed at unraveling the complexities of new tobacco consumption trends and their implications.
With the rising popularity of heated tobacco products, understanding the dynamics, prevalence, and associated factors influencing their usage in the local population is crucial. In North Macedonia, the tobacco consumption landscape is witnessing a shift with the introduction of heated tobacco products. This trend, while not entirely understood, represents a critical area of study due to its potential impact on public health and societal behavior.
📉 Project Background:
North Macedonia ranks high globally in smoking prevalence, with a rate of 48.4% in 2019, far above the EU average.
Recent years have seen a rise in the use of heated tobacco products, despite their higher cost compared to traditional cigarettes.
📊 Study Objectives:
Determine intensity of heated tobacco product use across diverse demographics in North Macedonia.
Investigate patterns of dual use (with cigarettes) or poly use (with other tobacco products) among heated tobacco users.
Identify the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of heated tobacco product users.
Understand the motivations for using heated tobacco products, including health considerations and smoking cessation attempts.
Assess the impact of marketing and media on the popularity and perception of heated tobacco products.
📋 Methodology:
Analytica conducted an extensive and in-depth survey research.
This includes a comprehensive survey to investigate the intensity, dual use, or poly use of heated tobacco products, as well as policy-related questions to understand motivations behind using these products.
We believe our team is uniquely qualified to undertake this study, bringing methodological expertise, analytical acumen, and a proven track record in delivering high-quality, impactful research. Our commitment extends beyond data collection to encompass comprehensive analysis and the development of insightful, evidence-based recommendations.
Stay tuned as we finalize this important analysis and work towards shedding light on the new trends in tobacco consumption in North Macedonia.
This project is supported by the World Bank.
Project “Confidence building measures between North Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria”

Youth activism for multiculturalism - to nurture, to act!

Project description: Throughout history, the multicultural and multi-ethnic Republic of North Macedonia has built values that affect the quality of life of individuals, but also the maintenance and progress of all communities through various historical circumstances. We are witnesses that the contribution of culture and art throughout history is in their constant search for freedom, rule of human rights, mutual respect, understanding, the need to learn from each other, and to create new values. It is within this project that we aim to create a cultural space for different communities that will preserve and nurture the values of the past, but also create new values, and turn our community into a creative and noble place to live. Through appropriate education, networking of young people, and the application of informal educational models, we will mobilize young people for their active involvement in the promotion and protection of cultural values, we will encourage and strengthen the cooperation of young people with the non-governmental sector. Within the project, we will tell stories about the heritage of women from the Republic of Macedonia and promote the principle of equal participation of women and men in all areas of the public and private sectors, equal status and treatment in the exercise of all rights and in development of their individual potentials, through which they contribute to social development.

The general goal of the project is to promote inter-ethnic and inter-cultural dialogue between young people from three cities of the Republic of North Macedonia, through cultural initiatives and activities for reconciliation and social cohesion.

Specific objectives of the project are:

S.C. 1. Strengthening efforts for intercultural and interethnic understanding and respect among young people in the Republic of North Macedonia,

S.C.2. Promoting diversity among young people through cultural exchange and the art of photography;

S.C.3. Strengthening the sense of common belonging of young people in the community, the sense of self-respect and respect for diversity

S.C.4. Promoting the cultural-historical significance of women through photographic revival of the life and works of prominent Macedonian women excluded from the cultural heritage.

Directly involved participants (target group) are 18 young people of different ethnic, religious and gender affiliations from the City of Skopje, the Municipality of Gostivar and the Municipality of Strumica. The second target group is the civic organizations from the three cities that work with young people, and the final beneficiaries of this project are all the citizens of the involved regions. The project is guided by the principles of inclusiveness and participation and it will include an equal number of male and female participants.

The project will be implemented in partnership with experts from the association Initiative for Civil Integrations IGI Gostivar and Organization of Women Strumica. IGI Gostivar manages to provide a space where young people come together to share ideas, resources and experience in order to promote the importance of youth engagement in all aspects of life. Young people recognize IGI's organizational commitment to youth engagement, while building their leadership capacities, considering youth engagement as one of the most important things leading to a healthy society. The Strumica Women's Organization brings valuable expertise, resources and perspectives that contribute to the overall success and impact of the project. The Strumica Women's Organization brings expertise in addressing gender issues, which is essential for promoting inclusiveness and understanding the intersectionality of multiculturalism and gender.

Benefits for the local community would be the following:

1. Increased social cohesion: by encouraging multiculturalism and celebrating diversity, the project helps to build social cohesion in the local community. It creates opportunities for young people from different ethnic backgrounds to interact, learn from each other and develop mutual respect. This increased social cohesion contributes to a more inclusive and harmonious community where people from different backgrounds feel valued and connected.

2. Enhanced intercultural understanding: intercultural understanding will be facilitated by providing platforms for dialogue, cultural exchange and shared experiences. It allows participants to gain insight into different cultures, traditions and perspectives. As a result, the local community benefits from increased intercultural empathy, reduced stereotypes and improved communication between individuals from different backgrounds.

3. Empowering and engaging young people: Through their active participation in the project, young people develop leadership skills, critical thinking skills and a sense of agency. They become empowered to address local challenges related to multiculturalism and initiate positive change.

4. Awareness and Education: 

The project raises awareness of the importance of multiculturalism, diversity and inclusion in the local community. It educates both participants and community members about the benefits of living in a multicultural society and challenges stereotypes or prejudices. 5. The project will facilitate cooperation with civil society organizations and stakeholders.

Project implementation period: February 15 - September 15, 2024

Contact person: Bojana Mijović Hristovska, project manager

This activity is made possible by the regional project "Support from the EU for building confidence in the Western Balkans", which is financed by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
finansirrano od EU UNDP
Project “Confidence building measures between North Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria”

Development of a culture of cyber security in the educational system of North Macedonia

The general goal of the project is to familiarize young people with the benefits of digital transformation and increase the use of cyber security measures among young people, which will increase their safe presence on the Internet and reduce the negative effects. 
Short-term goals: 
S.C.1. Identifying the knowledge of students and teaching staff about the significance of the digital transformation of society with a focus on educational programs as well as the degree of application of cyber security measures by young people; 
S.C.2. Improving cooperation and the transfer of knowledge between civil society organizations, educational institutions and institutions responsible for creating policies in the field of cyber security and institutions responsible for sanctioning cybercrime; 
S.C.3. Increasing the role of local civil society organizations in providing assistance and support to educational institutions and young people for better utilization of the potential of information and communication technologies; 
S.C.4. Improved knowledge and skills of 15 teachers from 3 secondary schools for the application of programs for successful and sustainable digital transformation and cyber security content in schools through the creation of a network of teachers and civil society organizations; 
S.C.5. Strengthening the skills of 100 students for safe use of the Internet through peer education; 
S.C. 6. Creation of an educational and informative mobile application intended for teachers, students and parents;
Project implementation period: August - September 2024 
Contact person: Maja Hristovska, project expert
Project “Confidence building measures between North Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria”

Strengthening capacity of young people and teachers to apply cyber security measures and develop effective school programs to prevent cyberbullying

Although there are many benefits to using the Internet and social networks, including for the purposes for education, at the same time there are many dangers. By posting personal information available to a large number of people, the Internet has created a space for peer violence. Cyberbullying, cell phones, or other content-laying devices (text and images) are a common form of cyberbullying that is increasingly being faced by children and young people on a daily basis. On the other hand, the existing curricula at all levels of education (primary and secondary) do not meet the needs for education and training of young people to meet the latest challenges.  The laws for prevention of cyberbullying and cybersecurity have not yet been adopted in North Macedonia, so we must rely on other laws, such as those aimed at protecting children and young people from all forms of violence and discrimination, including cybercrime.


The overall goal of the project is to strengthen capacity of young people and teachers about the application of cyber security measures and to develop effective school curricula for prevention of cyberbullying.

Long-term expected results: 

1.Improved knowledge and skills of teachers from schools in the country for application of programs and content in the area of cyber security in schools by creating a network of teacher trainers and peer educators, 

2.Reduction of the presence of cyber bullying among young people and improvement of the existing curricula at all levels of education (primary and secondary) in order for them to respond to the latest challenges of the digital age,

3. Prepared one-year program for working with students on cyber security, submitted to each of the 5 schools for its further integration into the annual program 

4. Strengthening the skills of 500 students for safe use of the Internet through peer education, 

5. Improved cooperation and transfer of knowledge between educational institutions for creating policies in the field of cyber security and

6.Creation of education mobile application for Android contain cyber security education resources, designed for teachers and students Period of implementation: September - February 2024

Person for contact: Maja Hristovska, project expert 

Project “Confidence building measures between North Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria”

Project “Confidence building measures between North Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria”

The focus of this project is to assess how political and economic dynamics could help to unblock bilateral relations between North Macedonia and neighbouring countries namely, Greece and Bulgaria. Within this context, the bilateral agreements, the Prespa Agreement and the Treaty on Good Neighbourly Relations with Bulgaria, are considered as building blocks toward sustainable neighbourly relations.

Project "The development of a culture of peace and non-violence as a basic value in the educational system in the Republic of Northern Macedonia"

Project "The development of a culture of peace and non-violence as a basic value in the educational system in the Republic of Northern Macedonia"

The main goal of the project is to develop a culture of peace and non-violence as a basic value in the educational system in the Republic of North Macedonia. Specific objectives of this project are (1) prevention of conflicts by accepting the differences between students on different grounds and building a culture of peace among young people, (2) establishing friendly relations between students of diverse ethnic, religion, gender and social backgrounds, and (3) sensitizing young girls to recognizing the forms of violence committed against them in schools, as well as outside the school's environment, therefore encouraging them to report and act in a safe way.

Project "ECONOMIC INTEGRATION OF THE WESTERN BALKAN - Regional Economic Cooperation and Common Regional Market (Mapping Progress) - Opportunity for North Macedonia to approach to the EU Internal Market"

Project "ECONOMIC INTEGRATION OF THE WESTERN BALKAN - Regional Economic Cooperation and Common Regional Market (Mapping Progress) - Opportunity for North Macedonia to approach to the EU Internal Market"

Goal of the project: Creating a complete picture of the current situation and mapping the progress of North Macedonia towards economic integration of the Western Balkan. Comprehensive mapping of key actors and their positions, the state of affairs within the integration process of North Macedonia to the EU and within the regional cooperation of the Western Balkans as a special reference to the four freedoms (free movement of goods, services, people and capital).