Project “Confidence building measures between North Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria”

Development of a culture of cyber security in the educational system of North Macedonia

The general goal of the project is to familiarize young people with the benefits of digital transformation and increase the use of cyber security measures among young people, which will increase their safe presence on the Internet and reduce the negative effects. 
Short-term goals: 
S.C.1. Identifying the knowledge of students and teaching staff about the significance of the digital transformation of society with a focus on educational programs as well as the degree of application of cyber security measures by young people; 
S.C.2. Improving cooperation and the transfer of knowledge between civil society organizations, educational institutions and institutions responsible for creating policies in the field of cyber security and institutions responsible for sanctioning cybercrime; 
S.C.3. Increasing the role of local civil society organizations in providing assistance and support to educational institutions and young people for better utilization of the potential of information and communication technologies; 
S.C.4. Improved knowledge and skills of 15 teachers from 3 secondary schools for the application of programs for successful and sustainable digital transformation and cyber security content in schools through the creation of a network of teachers and civil society organizations; 
S.C.5. Strengthening the skills of 100 students for safe use of the Internet through peer education; 
S.C. 6. Creation of an educational and informative mobile application intended for teachers, students and parents;
Project implementation period: August - September 2024 
Contact person: Maja Hristovska, project expert