26 April 2016 |
Компаративна анализа: работни места во термоелектрани наспроти работни места во сектори со обновливи извори и енергетска ефикасност во Македонија |
26 November 2015 |
Community Policing Model in Skopje - from idea to reality |
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02 July 2015 |
Анализа на локалните програми за енергетска ефикасност во Македонија – состојби, предизвици, решенија |
05 June 2015 |
Communications interception oversight in Macedonia - making the impossible possible |
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18 March 2015 |
The road to financial transparency and accountability of the institutions and companies in the energy sector in the Republic of Macedonia |
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04 March 2015 |
Macedonia's Preparations for Civilian Contribution to Peace Operations: the Next Big Thing After the Withdrawal From Afghanistan |
12 June 2014 |
The state of energy (in)security in Macedonia |
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12 June 2014 |
Energy and security sector governance in Macedonia: how to improve its efficiency? |
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29 January 2014 |
Analysis of the national policies and practices dealing with illegal migration and asylum seekers |
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22 December 2013 |
Comparative analysis of regional practices for parliamentary financial oversight of intelligence services |
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1 December 2013 |
Progress in the Europeanization of the security sector in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia |
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30 September 2013 |
Impact of migration on child growth in Albania and Macedonia |
30 September 2013 |
Education outcomes from migration and remittances in Albania and Macedonia |
20 September 2013 |
"Mechanisms for Fighting Police Corruption in the Republic of Macedonia-Legal and Institutional Set Up" |
25 February 2013 |
Towards 2nd generation of Security Sector Reforms in MACEDONIA |
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23 January 2013 |
Transparency of the Security Sector in Macedonia |
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28 December 2012 |
How far is Macedonia in fulfilling the requirements under Chapter 27 - Environment of the acquis |
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31 May 2012 |
The story of the Macedonian heat market – how to reform it? |
14 May 2012 |
Almanac on Security Sector Oversight in the Western Balkans |
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28 April 2012 |
Strengthening Intelligence Oversight in the Western Balkans - Macedonia as a Case Study |
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30 December 2011 |
The challenge of achieving sustainable renewable energy policy in Macedonia |
8 December 2011 |
"Follow up – Macedonia and EU Funds – guidelines for Civil Society Organizations & expectations for the future" |
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31 August |
SEAC_Advocacy_Paper_V_1_1_FINAL |
8 August 2011 |
Politicization in the Macedonian Public Administration |
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3 June 2011 |
Security Policies in the Western Balkans |
27 April 2011 |
Scanning Macedonia’s performance under the European Commission’s Progress Report’s Chapter 21: A race with obstacles? – Part II |
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01 April 2011 |
Context Analysis of the Security Sector Reform in Macedonia 1991 – 2008 |
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31 March 2011 |
Emergence of Regional Leader in the Western Balkans - The case of Serbia and the implications for Macedonia |
31 January 2011 |
Scanning Macedonia’s performance under the European Commission’s progress report’s chapter 21: A race with obstacles? – Part I |
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24 November 2010 |
Implementing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Measures - are Southeast European Countries on track? Barriers, Positive examples, proposed measures and policies |
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24 March 2010 |
Regulatory Impact Assessment (2) – Macedonia in Focus |
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07 December 2009 |
Macedonia’s lagging behind in efficient usage of EU Funds (IPA, the Framework Programmes) – Analytica’s analysis |
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