
Visiting Slovenian Parliament


Magdalena Lembovska (Security Research Fellow) had a meeting with Mr. Mate Dragutin, former Minister of Internal Affairs of Slovenia and current member of the Slovenian Parliament. Mr. Dragutin is member of the Commission for supervision of security and intelligence services in Ljubljana and they were discussing the work of that commission, especially the work in the field of financial oversight.

Conference on Intelligence Oversight


4-5 December, Ljubljana, Slovenia – Analytica took part at the conference "Bringing together the watchdogs: evaluating and enhancing the oversight of intelligence services in Western Balkans" organized by the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF).

Workshop on Financial Accountability of Intelligence Services


Magdalena Lembovska and Sonja Zuber participated at the Workshop on Financial Accountability of Intelligence Services on 22-23 November in Skopje, Macedonia.

Regional Workshop on Security Transitions


Magdalena Lembovska (Research Fellow) and Elena Brmbeska (Research Intern) participated at the sixth research workshop within the project "Security Transitions in the Western Balkans – From Conflict Zone to Security Community?"