The State of Education in Macedonia and Future Perspectives, 27 May 2010, Skopje, Macedonia

Our residential intern, Angel Kulakov, took part in the public debate on “The State of Education in Macedonia and Future Perspectives”, organized by the Progres Institute for Social Democracy, in cooperation with the Student Council at FON University and the Center for Research and Policy Making. As the title of the event explicitly suggests, its primary aim was to encourage a critical assessment on the current situation of the educational system in Macedonia, especially within institutions of higher education, as well as the most promising opportunities for further development in the sector.
The conclusions reached at the debate included the following: the addition of practical training in the universities’ respective curriculums, whilst setting performance standards and indicators for these activities, dealing with stagnating scientific research by means of raising awareness about available grant programs and funding opportunities, the much-needed employment reform regarding graduates of vocational secondary education, safeguarding the quality of the academic process in newly decentralized (off-campus) programs of postsecondary education, and the voluntary-based participation and engagement in student organizations.