"Energy conference -  “The future of energy, where Macedonia and EU meet”

"Energy conference - “The future of energy, where Macedonia and EU meet”

The conference held on 29 September 2016 at the EU Info center in Skopje, was the last event organised in Macedonia under the EU funded SEE SEP (South East Europe Sustainable Energy Policy) project. Analytica together with its partners Eko-svest and Front 21/42 presented the findings of the two documents which resulted from the SEE 2050 Carbon Calculаtor which we published in 2015.


Sonja Risteska, the project manager of the successfully executed SEE SEP project presented the studies titled:

1. SOUTH EAST EUROPE: THE EU ROAD OR THE ROAD TO NOWHERE? An energy roadmap for 2050: A guide to the future, and

2. SOUTH EAST EUROPE: THE EU ROAD OR THE ROAD TO NOWHERE? An energy roadmap for 2050: Technical analysis.

Following the presentation of the documents, presentations on topics related to the energy future of Macedonia and the EU had several experts in the field of energy, including Mr. Aleksandar Dukovski – Director of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Aleksadar Dedinec – Academy of Arts and Sciences and Mr. Dimitar Malinovski – EU Delegation in Skopje who opened the event and Ms. Nevena Smilevska from Eko-svest.

Mr. Malinovski talked about the importance of following EU reform path when it comes to having clean and sustainable energy future in Macedonia and the region; Mr. Dukovski presented the state's opinion that we need first to have enough energy supply for ourselves and think of first and foremost investing in energy efficiency as the less we spend the less we will need to produce. Mr. Dedinec from the Academy of Arts and Sciences presented different scenarios for Macedonia's energy sector up to 2035 that they created and Ms. Smilevska presented the innovative project Eko-svest is working on bringing in Macedonia, called City Tree vertical garden.

There was also a fruitful debate on investments in gas vs RES in Macedonia as the gasification of the country is again a hot topic and also the idea of having diversified energy system was emphasized. The general conclusion was that we will need to look for alternatives to the lignite we are currently relying on and as soon as we start the better.