EIA in Agriculture- First lecture in the lecture series on environmental topics supported by European Fund for the Balkans

Prof. PhD.Vladimir Dzabirski, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Department of Livestock Production, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje
Through case studies of livestock farms, Prof. Dzabirski, gave explicit analysis of the Environmental Impact Assessment procedures, underpinned by necessary regulatory requirements. Discussion with the participants followed on the blemish of Macedonia’s legislation on EIA , i.e. lack of harmonization between enacted laws, agreeing that should be resolved through enacting streamlined laws, encompassed by numerous concise, detailed by-laws.
September 2, 2008 Analytica, Skopje
Prof. PhD.Vladimir Dzabirski, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Department of Livestock Production, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje
Through case studies of livestock farms, Prof. Dzabirski, gave explicit analysis of the Environmental Impact Assessment procedures, underpinned by necessary regulatory requirements. Discussion with the participants followed on the blemish of Macedonia’s legislation on EIA , i.e. lack of harmonization between enacted laws, agreeing that should be resolved through enacting streamlined laws, encompassed by numerous concise, detailed by-laws.
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