Conference on energy security
On 5 November 2014 in Skopje took place the conference Energy security in the Western Balkans – policies and challenges which Analytica jointly organized with Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
The aim of the conference is to be a platform for discussing energy security from policy and geopolitical perspective relative to the Western Balkan region and to raise energy security challenges as well as the domestic readiness to address them. The idea behind this conference is to be an open forum for exchanging on the matter of energy security in the Western Balkans including the input of various stakeholders.
Present at the conference were representatives from the Energy Regulatory Commission, EVN Macedonia, from the academia, the civil sector and diplomacy from Macedonia and abroad. Main topics of discussion included the role of geopolitics in energy security and the domestic readiness to respond to energy security challenges.
At the conference the significant influence of geopolitics on energy security was emphasized, Macedonia’s vulnerability to electricity shortages was stressed, and as the utilization of natural gas in Macedonia increases, the risks of future gas cut-offs for the overall energy supply of Macedonia was discussed.
As part of the conference the policy analysis authored by Andreja Bogdanovski and Ana Stojilovska titled “Thestate of energy (in)security in Macedonia” was promoted. The paper analyzes the state of energy security in Macedonia and indentifies the main issues which hamper an improved state of energy security. The paper is available in English here, Macedonian here and in Albanian here.
The paper “The state of energy (in)security in Macedonia” has also been published by Akademik
The papers in English and Macedonian are also available at the webpage of Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
Pictures of the conference can be found here.
For more information on the conference, please contact Ana Stojilovska, Research Fellow of the Energy and Infrastructure Programme: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Andreja Bogdanovski, Security Research Fellow This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.